Top 5 Gifts to Avoid Buying

5 Gifts You Should Never Buy: A Guide to Thoughtful Gifting from the Experts at Knomi Kado.

Gift-giving is an art, and like any art form, it requires a touch of finesse and consideration. We understand shopping isn’t for everybody. It could be lack of funds, time, ideas, or simply because you despise shopping. Here at Knomi Kado, we believe that gift is a way to express emotions and celebrate life's moments. Our expert curators go beyond the surface to understand your preferences, ensuring that every item resonates with your individuality. From luxurious indulgences to personalized keepsakes, our custom gift boxes are designed to leave a lasting impression.

But whether or not you purchase a personalized gift from us, you should still know what we know: all gifts aren’t created equal. To help you navigate the tricky aisles of gift-giving, we've compiled a list of our top 5 gifts to avoid buying. Some of these gifts typically are thrown away, regifted during White Elephant parties, or collecting dust on a shelf because the ‘I don’t want this, but I’d feel bad for getting rid of it’ guilt is real. Meanwhile, the others are unwelcome financial burdens. Take a lesson from the experts and start surprising your loved ones with gifts that truly reflect your care and consideration. Remember, it’s not the thought that counts, it’s the gift.

Generic Gift Cards

The number one gift you should never give is a generic gift card. While they are undoubtedly convenient, they’re quite thoughtless. Gift card purchases should be reserved for niche establishments and service based businesses, like spas and salons. Opting for a chain restaurant or a major retailer's gift card can scream "last-minute gift choice."

A Gift for Someone Else

Let's elaborate on this one. Women with young children often receive motherhood-related gifts, and a spouse is often gifted with items meant to be shared with their significant other. This is a huge red flag. Gifts are intended to be for the individual. Outside of baby showers, bridal parties, and other obvious events, do not let someone’s status dictate the gift they receive.

Cleaning Products

‘Surprise’ and ‘vacuum cleaner’ don’t belong in the same sentence. Anything associated with completing chores is not a gift. Furthermore, waiting until an anniversary or birthday has arrived to replace appliances for your loved one is distasteful and rude.

5 gifts to never buy


Videos of puppies sitting in gift boxes tied with a bow go viral on social media. Even I can’t resist the urge to awe. However, viewers don’t get to witness all the trips to the pet store and the vet, the additional clean-ups, or when the cat feels the urge to start redecorating. Pets can be burdensome gifts because they require a lot of care, attention, and responsibility. It's essential to consider whether the recipient has the time, resources, and interest to take care of a pet before giving them as gifts.

Items that Cost Money

Subscription based services, cars, and partial components of trips (like purchasing the flight or the hotel) should all be avoided if you can’t cover the entire expense. Just like with pets, you’re assuming someone wants to bear responsibility for the additional costs. Although it might seem like the perfect gift because of its extravagance, it’s actually another burden that’s turned a gift into a project.

We spend less time thinking about the best gifts for him or her as we get older, but we all deserve to feel appreciated and acknowledged. You notice immediately when a gift has truly resonated with someone, and there’s no greater feeling than knowing you caused that level of happiness. If you need an unforgettable one-of-a-kind gift for yourself or someone special, choose one of our gift packages and leave the rest to us.


The Importance of Unique Appreciation Gifts